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Frequently Asked Questions

Many people believe their first court appearance will happen at their trial. This isn’t often the case, as arraignment is typically necessary. It is important that you retain counsel right away, even for the arraignment process. While it may seem simple, it is crucial that you have a lawyer by your side for any court appearance-even if your case doesn’t go all the way to trial. During arraignment, your charge will be formally presented and a plea will be presented. Your attorney can advise you on how to proceed with this. Your bail may also be determined during this process. For misdemeanor cases, you can usually expect to appear the next business day, while felony cases may be scheduled for a later date.

There are a number of factors than can impact the length of your case. For example, if you are facing a misdemeanor-level offense and have a clean record, your case may move along quickly. On the other hand, if you plan to fight that offense and have significant evidence to present, it may take longer to resolve even a simple misdemeanor. Felony charges can take much longer to resolve. The prosecution and defense will both need time to investigate the case and gather evidence. That evidence will need to be presented in court if the case goes to trial. Depending on the complexity of the charges, evidence brought forward, witnesses called to the stand, and a number of other factors, the case could take anywhere from several months to several years. When you work withVanHo Law, you can be confident knowing we aim to resolve your case as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Absolutely. While you may think your charges aren’t that serious, it is crucial that you obtain a seasoned defense attorney who can protect your rights. Even if you think it is obvious that you are innocent, you need an advocate who can effectively prove this in a court of law. Without legal counsel, small mistakes can build up and cause you serious trouble. Not only that, but a minor offense can turn into a conviction that leads to repercussions down the road, such as increased penalties for a second conviction or difficulty obtaining a job or child custody. No matter your charge, make sure you have an Akron criminal attorney who can protect your record.

The good news is that you have the opportunity to fight your charges. Even if you think the evidence is stacked against you, a qualified OVI defense lawyer knows how to craft a strong defense to protect your name. A criminal attorney could get your charges dropped, dismissed, or lessened, ensuring the best possible outcome in your situation. When you retain counsel, you can be confident knowing your rights will be protected and your future will be safeguarded. A skilled OVI lawyer can even work out a plea bargain or secure a lesser charge in your case. That is why it is crucial you retain counsel right away!

Misdemeanor offenses are considered to be minor crimes that carry lesser penalties. A person convicted of a misdemeanor will spend a year or less in jail and pay a smaller amount of fees and fines. While the punishment for misdemeanors is still severe, the punishment for felonies is much harsher. Felonies can carry more than a year behind bars, thousands of dollars in fines, probation, and numerous other consequences. Regardless of whether your case involves a felony or a misdemeanor, you need to talk to a Summit County defense lawyer about your case.

Family Law

The length of a divorce will depend entirely on surrounding circumstances. For example, where you file will affect the length of the process as each county treats it differently. In addition, activities prior to the divorce (such as mediation and discovery) will affect the length of the process, as will the type of case you file-whether it is contested, uncontested, or a dissolution. That being said, an uncontested divorce can generally move fairly quickly and a dissolution where both parties have agreed ahead of time on the different aspects of divorce can move even faster. To learn more about your own case, give us a call.

Ohio is what is known as a “mixed state,” which means that divorcing parties can either file for a fault or no-fault divorce.

If you are seeing to file for a fault divorce, these are examples of the acceptable grounds:

  • Adultery
  • Extreme cruelty
  • Fraudulent contract
  • Gross neglect of duty
  • Habitual drunkenness
  • Imprisonment of the adverse party
  • Incompatibility unless one of the party denies it
  • The adverse party was willfully absent for one year

To file for a divorce in the state of Ohio, one spouse must have lived there for at least six months.

Ohio is an equitable division state, which means that the court will divide properties between the spouses in a manner that it determines to be “fair.” This is often a 50/50 division of property, but not always.

Like most courts in the U.S., family law courts in Ohio try to do what they consider to be in the best interest of the child when it comes to custody arrangements. Often, this is done so both parents have frequent contact with the child after the divorce has been finalized, which means joint custody is often preferred.

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  • Family Law

    • How Long Does Divorce Take in Ohio?
      The length of a divorce will depend entirely on surrounding circumstances. For example, where you file will affect the length of the process as each county treats it differently. In addition, activities prior to the divorce (such as mediation and discovery) will affect the length of the process, as will the type of case you file-whether it is contested, uncontested, or a dissolution. That being said, an uncontested divorce can generally move fairly quickly and a dissolution where both parties have agreed ahead of time on the different aspects of divorce can move even faster. To learn more about your own case, give us a call.
    • What Are the Grounds for Divorce in Ohio?

      Ohio is what is known as a “mixed state,” which means that divorcing parties can either file for a fault or no-fault divorce.

      If you are seeing to file for a fault divorce, these are examples of the acceptable grounds:

      • Adultery
      • Extreme cruelty
      • Fraudulent contract
      • Gross neglect of duty
      • Habitual drunkenness
      • Imprisonment of the adverse party
      • Incompatibility unless one of the party denies it
      • The adverse party was willfully absent for one year
    • How Long Do I Need to Have Lived in Ohio to File?

      To file for a divorce in the state of Ohio, one spouse must have lived there for at least six months.

    • How Is Property Divided in an Ohio Divorce?
      Ohio is an equitable division state, which means that the court will divide properties between the spouses in a manner that it determines to be “fair.” This is often a 50/50 division of property, but not always.
    • How Do Ohio Courts Determine Child Custody?
      Like most courts in the U.S., family law courts in Ohio try to do what they consider to be in the best interest of the child when it comes to custody arrangements. Often, this is done so both parents have frequent contact with the child after the divorce has been finalized, which means joint custody is often preferred.
  • Criminal Defense

    • What Should I Expect for My First Court Appearance?
      Many people believe their first court appearance will happen at their trial. This isn’t often the case, as arraignment is typically necessary. It is important that you retain counsel right away, even for the arraignment process. While it may seem simple, it is crucial that you have a lawyer by your side for any court appearance-even if your case doesn’t go all the way to trial. During arraignment, your charge will be formally presented and a plea will be presented. Your attorney can advise you on how to proceed with this. Your bail may also be determined during this process. For misdemeanor cases, you can usually expect to appear the next business day, while felony cases may be scheduled for a later date.
    • How Long Will My Criminal Case Take?
      There are a number of factors than can impact the length of your case. For example, if you are facing a misdemeanor-level offense and have a clean record, your case may move along quickly. On the other hand, if you plan to fight that offense and have significant evidence to present, it may take longer to resolve even a simple misdemeanor. Felony charges can take much longer to resolve. The prosecution and defense will both need time to investigate the case and gather evidence. That evidence will need to be presented in court if the case goes to trial. Depending on the complexity of the charges, evidence brought forward, witnesses called to the stand, and a number of other factors, the case could take anywhere from several months to several years. When you work withVanHo Law, you can be confident knowing we aim to resolve your case as quickly and efficiently as possible.
    • Do I Really Need a Lawyer for a Minor or Misdemeanor Offense?
      Absolutely. While you may think your charges aren’t that serious, it is crucial that you obtain a seasoned defense attorney who can protect your rights. Even if you think it is obvious that you are innocent, you need an advocate who can effectively prove this in a court of law. Without legal counsel, small mistakes can build up and cause you serious trouble. Not only that, but a minor offense can turn into a conviction that leads to repercussions down the road, such as increased penalties for a second conviction or difficulty obtaining a job or child custody. No matter your charge, make sure you have an Akron criminal attorney who can protect your record.
    • I Don’t Want an OVI / DUI Conviction on My Record. What Can I Do?
      The good news is that you have the opportunity to fight your charges. Even if you think the evidence is stacked against you, a qualified OVI defense lawyer knows how to craft a strong defense to protect your name. A criminal attorney could get your charges dropped, dismissed, or lessened, ensuring the best possible outcome in your situation. When you retain counsel, you can be confident knowing your rights will be protected and your future will be safeguarded. A skilled OVI lawyer can even work out a plea bargain or secure a lesser charge in your case. That is why it is crucial you retain counsel right away!
    • How Do Misdemeanors & Felonies Differ?
      Misdemeanor offenses are considered to be minor crimes that carry lesser penalties. A person convicted of a misdemeanor will spend a year or less in jail and pay a smaller amount of fees and fines. While the punishment for misdemeanors is still severe, the punishment for felonies is much harsher. Felonies can carry more than a year behind bars, thousands of dollars in fines, probation, and numerous other consequences. Regardless of whether your case involves a felony or a misdemeanor, you need to talk to a Summit County defense lawyer about your case.